While doing my radio show yesterday I dropped a track I had almost completely forgotten about called "Official Members". I produced this in 97' for the Loose Groove records label. This track features rhymes from Mad Fanatic & Rag Child out of New jersey. Their group was called Chrome Kids. Enjoy.....
Official Members
Supreme La Rock Feat. Chrome Kids
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6415713-f66
You heard me on the radio show, you've seen me on the tv show. On 2/5/05 I was asked to spin a dj set at Ibiza. I decided to record the set and you now have it here. 100% live using vinyl records, two turntables and a sampler. No pro tools, multi-tracking or editing of any sort. No laptop or computer programs were used. This is the real deal the way it should be. If I mix off beat or screw up it was caught! While I have mostly been known for my hip hop produced records, radio shows and alike, my crates run much deeper then you could imagine. I have a personal love for disco, house, electro and many other genres of music. You will get a brief sample with this mix and please believe this is only the tip of the iceberg! I truly hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I enjoy playing at some of the best venues in the world. When I'm not on the road or out of the country you can see and hear me dig deep into my crates to bring you the best sexiest and soulful music available, every Sunday evening at Seattle's See Sound Lounge.
"Live" @ Ibiza
Supreme La Rock
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/4498551-d41
What's good people! Today I bring you a "live" dj set from one of my favorite venues, See Sound Lounge. I have held dj residency there for the past three years. In addition to the extremely popular Thursday night, I have now teamed up with them for a brand new Sunday night party. If your ever in Seattle, Wa. you will want to check this sleek ultra lounge out for a great time.
If you want to catch any of my dj sets you will need to fall through on Thursday or Sunday night as previously mentioned. I have had many a good time at this place. Complete with two full service bars, V.I.P bottle service and eye catching interior you will understand why it is and remains to be one of my favorite places. Not just locally but nationwide.
"Live" @ See Sound Ultra Lounge
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6365604-21c
This is a 12" vinyl record I released on the Respect records label. It's a collection of some personal edits I did of tracks I use when I dj. It quickly sold out upon it's release and is featured in the recent movie "Way Of The B-Boy".
There are four tracks in all but I'm only listing one here. You'll have to get your dig on and find the actual record if you want all four joints. If your into classic loft disco, modern soul, boogie and of course drum breaks this record should suit you fine. Big huge shouts out to Zack from the FC Kids for the ill cover art. Complete with cocaine, rotary mixer and a disco ball!
Love Exchange codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="335" height="28" id="divplaylist"> Supreme La Rock
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6358583-e1e
This was my first record I ever produced/released. I was in high school and honestly really didn't know what I was doing at the time. Me and my best friend CMT formed a duo called Incredicrew and we would dj and make beats. I had like 7 drum machines, a TR-808, TR-909, Mattel Synsonics, Sequential Tom, TR-707, TR-727, and a small Korg that I forgot the name of. Lots of equipment for a 15 year old kid. Believe it or not the 808 was basically FREE! I traded a kid in school a pair of sneakers for a 707 and traded the 707 to Dan Peters of Mud Honey for his 808. I didn't even buy the sneakers, my girlfriend got them for me. Guess I was hustlin' and grindin' even back then. Anyways an older friend of mine was a freshman in college and told me his dorm room mate could rap. He brought him over to my place one weekend and we ended up recording about 15 songs on the reel to reel 4 track that CMT swiped from his step dad! So now through todays technology of the internet and twenty some odd years later I can share some of this with the world. Pictured above was our first and only record that was ever pressed up. We did it ourselves and had no distribution. Most copes were sent to Steve Fourniers Rap Pool Of America and the reamaining copies went to various indy mom and pop stores nation wide and the rest went to Honey B's record pool. There were 1500 copies pressed in total. I believe I only have one left personally. There is one on display at the EMP museum here in Seattle. So while doing a google search I found this on a record collecting website:
If you think this record is easy to find you are DEFINATELY WRONG! HERE COMES AN EXTREMELY HARD TO FIND AND HIGHLY COLLECTABLE SEATTLE OLD SCHOOL HIP HOP WAX with awesome rap vocals and awesome beats and scratches. One of the coolest old school rap tunes I heard! This track will blow you off! If you like old school hip hop from the late 80s like Makeba & Scratch, Pelon, Main Source or Paul C productions, this is definately for you! Not too many pressed! DEFINATELY ORIGINAL PROMOTIONAL COPY! I guess, this one came only as a promo out only, since I never saw a regular copy, and 2 people I know who have it, also own a promo copy. The one and only release on this small independent label. Vinyl includes 2 fantastic late 80s rap tunes. AN EXTREMELY INDEMAND HIP HOP WAX AMONG JAPENESE HIP HOP COLLECTORS! Second copy I get in my hands within over 12 years of digging. For the real collector and old school rap fan a MUST! You will love it.
Hmm...... Not bad being compared to a legend like Paul C! Once we released the record it instantly shot to number one on Nes Rodriguez's Rap Attack radio show. I was downtown one day and a jeep rolled by blasting it out of his sound system. I was really trippin' when I heard that. The clothing co. TROOP was about to come out and they called us up and sponsored us and we ended up getting a record deal through Enigma. Good things were starting to happen for us. However, it ended before it all started. We got our advance check and hit a real recording studio 24/7 and recorded two albums worth of material. We turned the masters in about a month past due date deadline. After the label received the masters they shelved the project and released us from the contract. Being young and new to the game that series of events crushed our dreams of being a rap group. We all went our separate ways and begun our lives. I didn't dj or buy records for at least 5 years after this happened and sold most of the equipment I had. Got a job cooking in a restaurant and was your average joe. It wasn't until the release of Main Source's "Breaking Atoms" album that I had no interest in music, dj'ing or hip hop. I took one listen to that album and I dove right back in head first and have never looked back. Here is a flyer from our very first performance.
Untitled Unreleased Demo
MC Kid P & Incredicrew
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6327592-49a
High Powered Hip Hop (Orig. Unreleased Demo Version)
MC Kid P & Incredicrew
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6327590-790
Todays dj mix was done using strictly 7" 45RPM records. You know the small ones with the big hole in the middle that play faster then the big ones? Yeah those...... Not very easy to manipulate, not to mention most 45's were recorded a long time ago before using drum machines, quantizing, etc. Therefore, lots of finessing is involved if you want to actually blend and mix these as a dj instead of simply just playing them. I originally did this mix for another site but it is no longer streaming there. So I decided to give y'all a re-up. If you've never heard or had it before then it is still new. Right?
Champion Sound All 7" 45RPM Mix
DJ Supreme La Rock
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6315204-ad8
Ok, so a new year is upon us. Yes it's 2009 already, wow how time flies. I'm going to make it my duty to post here daily. It's the only way with my increasingly busy schedule I can keep everyone up to date and keep the music flowing. Todays mix is one of my favorites that I did for Sandinista clothing co. in Japan. It came in a really dope digipak cover with original artwork by Vancouver, Canada graffiti legend "Virus". The alternate cover above was the one I did when I pressed some promo copies up. This mix is at least 5 years old if not older. It's a mix of boogie, modern soul and loft disco classics for your listening pleasure.
Rock The Discotheque
DJ Supreme La Rock
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/2181767-3e4
Todays local Seattle funk installment comes to us courtesy of Springfield Rifle. A rock group consisting of all white boys. I don't know what it was about the early 70's but it seems like EVERYTHING was funky back then! This record does not disappoint with thick bass grooves, funky horns and a killer drum breaks to complete the package. I could personally do without the vocals but even with them it's still pretty awesome.
Keep On Loading
Springfield Rifle
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6286022-241
In case you haven't figured it out by now my main focus for the time being on my blog will be sharing information on bands from my hometown of Seattle, Washington. The music I'm posting was not featured on the "Wheedles Groove" comp. I did with Light In The Attic records. Some of these tunes are hard to find even locally. They have long been over looked year after year and have simply vanished into oblivion. If you have any local music or information about bands don't hesitate to contact me. I'm always searching for records and love to learn and discover new stuff. The group I'm posting today was called Epicentre. The band was formed in 1974 and called it quits in 87'. Members consisted of Stacy Christenson, Dave Raynor, Bernadette Bascom, Rick Johnson, and Ron Foos as pictured above. While very popular and performing around town regularly I only know of one track they released on vinyl called "Get Off The Phone". They entered a local radio station contest in a battle of the bands type contest and were the only entry in the Soul category. Their prize was getting the song released on a vinyl record. You can listen to or download this great slice of modern soul below. Enjoy!
Get Off The Phone
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6267179-6c6
I read an interview with DJ Danny Krivit where he said the more records he has the more he realizes he doesn't have!!! The funny thing about his statement was that I was feeling and thinking that same exact thing earlier that day before reading it. I'm going to say that I couldn't agree with him more. Also, when you think you've done all the research you could and know about all these records you'll be hit with the rude awakening that you don't know s**t! On that note it brings us to an exclusive mix I did for the baghat vinyl website years ago. They are now defunct but were one of the best websites to find rare grooves, original breaks and samples. When I did this mix I just grabbed what ever records were laying around me at the moment and threw them down on the decks. Plenty of nasty dirty gritty funky grooves and drum breaks galore. A hip-hop producers dream to say the least. The first 30 minutes are posted here. If you want the whole 9 yards your gonna have to track down the original cd somewhere and buy it. Good luck! By the way these are ORIGINAL pressings. Preme never fakes the funk with crappy re-issues. Just thought I would share that juicy little tidbit with y'all.
It Never Ends - Baghat Vinyl Mix (Part 1)
DJ Supreme La Rock
Download Here http://www.divshare.com/download/6252821-f31